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This week's big movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, features a fictional super-soldier serum developed during World War II. This serum is capable of turning a sickly, small man named Steve Rogers into the physical peak of human perfection known as Captain America. With the world aflame during the 1940's, the very thought of wielding a force of super-soldiers must've gained strong interest from all sides. But did any of the warring nations actually attempt to create a real-life super-soldier serum?

Nazi Super-Soldiers?

The tower is set in the middle of the housing. The rotation of the circular. Arming 76.2 mm gun M1A1 and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun. The angle of elevation for the weapon +20, and the angle of declination -9 degrees. A weapon without a muzzle brake. The initial velocity armor-piercing projectile 686 m / s. Soldat is an exciting unique side-view multiplayer action game. Played by hundreds of players at this moment. It takes the best from games like Liero, Worms, Quake and Counter-Strike and gives you fast action gameplay with tons of blood and flesh. Little ragdoll soldiers fight against each other on 2D battle arenas using a deadly military arsenal.

The Nazi's were deeply interested in developing a permanent master race. In 1935, they set up the Lebensborn, or Spring of Life, as a sort of breeding/child-rearing program. Some of its practices included kidnapping and 'Germanizing' Aryan children from occupied countries as well as providing special breeding clinics where SS soldiers could mate with suitable, handpicked women. The goal of the Lebensborn was to create a large and lasting Aryan race who would serve as the super-soldiers of the future.

However, that wasn't the Nazi's only effort at creating super-soldiers. The average Nazi soldier received a regular intake of pills designed to 'help them fight longer and without rest.' Surviving records show that the most pervasive pill was Pervitin, which was made of methamphetamine or as it is now called, crystal meth. Between 1939 and 1945, over two hundred million Pervitin pills were provided to Nazi soldiers.

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But this was hardly a unique situation. Troops from all sides took various types of drugs during World War II, a practice that continues to this day. But Nazi scientists weren't satisfied. In 1944, they started a top-secret program to develop a drug named D-IX. They hoped to use this drug to create temporary super-soldiers who would eventually turn the tide of the war.

D-IX Super-Soldiers?


D-IX was a cocaine-based cocktail, consisting of five milligrams of cocaine, five milligrams of oxycodone (a morphine-related painkiller), and three milligrams of Pervitin. It was first tested on inmates at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. After taking the drug, the prisoners were forced to march in circles while carrying forty-five pound packs. With the aid of D-IX, these individuals were able to march between fifty-five and seventy miles before collapsing. Highly encouraged by the results, Nazi scientists planned to supply D-IX to all German troops. Fortunately, the war ended before it could be produced in mass quantities.

Guerrilla Explorer's Analysis

Despite their best efforts, the Nazi's never succeeded in creating super-soldiers. Nowadays, researchers are hard at work, hoping to achieve the same goal with different means. In 2008, DARPA announced a $3 billion dollar program to create a 'metabolically dominant soldier.' If scientists have their way, someday soon super-soldiers may not be all that super…they may, in fact, be commonplace.

(This is the second article in a three part series. Go here for Part I: Captain America and Suspended Animation & here for Part III: The Nazi Plot to Bomb America.)

Related posts:

The history of the world of tank, and indeed military equipment, replete with many amazing events. events, which logically should not have to happen, but somehow the story did so, that these events took place, and even become to some extent a turning point.

A car, which was originally made as a reference and do not invest in it any revolutionary solutions, suddenly becomes a favorite car of soldiers. And vice versa, truly outstanding design, who at the time of creation was a real breakthrough, They disappear as useless at a particular time, and then turned into the basis for a completely new facilities.

There are in our zagashnike several cars, which does not deliver to us Lend-Lease, but they were loved in those countries, which were used during the Second World. Miss the opportunity to feel, pull, to get under the bottom, we could not. Well, especially, I could not tell you about these machines.

Shortly speaking, about ACS cycle - is a logical continuation of our series about the foreign machine from World War II, which for various reasons, we were not able to meet our tankers and artillerymen. And the first car will be M18 'Hell Cat', who successfully hunted the enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. so, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18, Hellcat.

'Khellket', according to most experts, He was one of the best tank destroyers of World War II. low silhouette, High power density, high mobility, rational booking form, high reliability and excellent moves made it possible to defeat the enemy with relatively little loss of property.

Simply put, the car was so balanced, what, probably, there was no crew, who does not cherish his 'cat' is not worse than a pet, in whose honor and was named Machine. Almost every ACS had its own name and even his 'coat of arms'. Machine to meet the love of love. In a figurative sense of the word.

it, eg, logo on «our» copy. «dual problems», that should not scare the real fighters. And furthermore, crew «hell-cat» not to frighten some girls there hot and cold whiskey.

But back to the self-propelled.

The history of the car is so interesting, do not tell her you can not. Let's start off with, that the blame for the occurrence of ACS American paratroopers and Marines! Yes, although it sounds amazing.

We often argue about, that the Soviet Union and Stalin personally strongly delayed war with Germany. We try to explain Stalin's mistakes, unpreparedness for war, losing the first months. Sport to hripotы. Tear vest on his chest.

But let's look across the ocean. Americans are so not want to fight against fascism in Europe, that even Hitler did not declare war! But that, that will have to fight, Washington understood. The question was only one: which side. In time for the partition of the spoils. Answer given Hitler. It was he who declared war on the US.

The US military claimed to re-equip the army for war far from their country. The ocean was and there is still quite a good defense of the continental US. That is why there was a task in the first place to rearm mobile units. Marines and airborne compounds.

In conditions, when landing must be made not on the islands, where the use of armored land is limited, and on the continent, the question arose about the possibility of countering the Marines and paratroopers armor, first of all enemy tanks. And even better, if the mobile part will get a good own tank!

AT 1941 It was announced a competition to create a tank for paratroopers. tanka, which would combine the functionality of a transfer not only ships, but planes. And thus he was able to fight with enemy tanks. tank projects were presented by three companies - GMC, Marmon-Herrington и Кristi.

As strange as it sounds, but the contest has won an unknown, which released primarily two tank models (CTLS и CTLB), by the way, both failing, Marmon-Herrington. By the end of September T9 tank project I was ready, and is expected to start serial production.

And then something happened, that turned the entire project in a completely unpredictable side. Engineers and designers Marmon-Herrington, who developed a new tank, offered on the same basis to create more and ACS. For tank support. Only now equipped with automatic control system proposed in the same chassis, about the same tower and the same instrument! Bredovato looks, but it's a fact.

However, this nonsense still had its continuation. Lung ACS in the United States was not. Army just forced to consider the project as a promising. The only thing, that succeeded the military department, is to remove the requirement for ACS, as Airborne. This meant, that it was possible to increase the weight of the machine and even change the suspension.

The new machine has received index T42.

SAU planted on ó Kristi, but armed with all the same 37 mm gun. The project was ready by January 1942 of the year. Production prototypes were no longer engaged in the Marmon-Herrington, which we have not been able to begin production of T9, and the GMC. Again, a higher power intervened.

At this time the role played by higher powers Britain. Based on the experience of the war, British doubted the effectiveness of a 37-mm gun, even for a light tank. As for the ACS with a weapon, the British officers just laughed in the face of American designers.

We must pay tribute to the response of the US military. Already 1 April designers have new requirements to the tank. The gun should have a caliber of 37 mm is not, and 57 mm. Machine speed should be at least 80 kmh. reservation tower, the forehead and the sides about 22 mm. Crew 5 human.

The project is again a new car was ready… to 19 April! Called Tank T49. Prototype production began almost immediately. The first machines were ready in July 1942 of the year. Surprisingly, in such a hurry, when literally everything had to 'squeeze and compress', tests showed, that on the whole the car is good. The only drawback - speed. Instead 80 km / h the car was able to squeeze out only 61. While true learn review. We needed a new engine. Although in general, the result was quite good and all seems to be arranged.

But for the project should be and protivotankisty! Tankoistrebitelnoe control of the US Army as well, as tankers, not satisfied with the speed of the machine. Besides, for ACS demanded another increase in gun caliber. Now, up to 75 mm! I.e, put the most, that is set to 'Sherman', inherited from the 'Lee'.

Well, purely artillery whim - to remove the roof of the tower, to the crew simply did not choked. Decent saving on the exhaust fan. But I had yet to splurge on a machine gun for close combat, what was important was for the ACS tank destroyers. The chuck has a chuck. The infantry is always near, including enemy infantry.

And again intervened Providence. Again, American designers did not bother too much problem occurred. Just put on the T49 tower… by T35 (future ACS M10), which already at that time I was ready. A frontal M2 machine gun was moved to the tower. This made it possible to increase the frontal armor to 25 mm.

Ready prototype of a new SAU under the symbol T67 in October 1942 He has been sent for tests. AND, lo… Machine dispersed to the required 80 kmh! All! achieved results! And here and there…

'Sherman' began to equip another gun! Now the tank stood a 76.2-mm gun M1A1. Tanks and fighter demanded for its own machines is the same. Especially, that the gun has turned out well, a miracle, how good!

Besides, gunners ceased to arrange suspension Christie. By this time, it is so outdated, it was said that some designers, that this ACS one of its appearance on the battlefield to kill the enemy tank… But not the power of cannons, and appearance.

There were claims and the tower. The first was from the artillery. Fast car requires quite a long stand-alone battle. And it requires ammunition. In the tower, there was simply no space to accommodate the required number of shells. And the second, technological. The tower is too complex in production.

In short, Again the car did not go into the assembly shop, and the tables and drawing boards of designers. Once again, the designers have shown professionalism wonders. The new machine under the symbol ACS T70 was prepared in April 1943 of the year!

Again, Providence! Manufacturing order 1000 ACS T70 handed «Buick» before taking the machine into service! And it is in the US. At the end 1943 , the ACS has been tested in Italy. AND (rightly) the car has received great reviews. Only after that ACS T70 in March 1944 of the year (It released about 200 machines) We have adopted under the designation M18.

And now let us touch the machine arms. It's worth it. No wonder we have so often mentioned the intervention of Providence in its creation.

so, 76-mm self-propelled gun M18 «Khellket» (76 mm Gun Motor Carriage M18, Hellcat) made by the following scheme. department of management, transmission and drive wheels - in front of the body. Combat compartment - in the middle. Power rear compartment.

The tower is set in the middle of the housing. The rotation of the circular. Arming 76.2 mm gun M1A1 and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun. The angle of elevation for the weapon +20, and the angle of declination -9 degrees. A weapon without a muzzle brake. The initial velocity armor-piercing projectile 686 m / s. For sabot projectile speed 1035 m / s. rate of 4 shots per minute.

Tower, if serious, not only too narrow for the calculation of the four dwarves. Real brave boar there feeling completely not. But we must not just sit, and deal with the case.

The driver has a special place.

Generally, on every square inch has to be hooked or about that crack head.


Here are stored the ammunition for the machine gun. You want to live - vydernesh.

Surprisingly for the American car, but to call «hell-cat» comfortable for the crew not dare. very closely, very little room for everything. And their own belongings crew usually placed on the armor, so that in a campaign that has had a self-propelled gun Vidocq.

An interesting solution is found to repair the car. The front and rear of the machine can be seen hatches. clear, These hatches are designed to facilitate access to the power plant or transmission. But not in Hell Cat!

The thing is, and that the motor, and transmission were mounted not directly on the body, and on special skids. For repair was enough to open the hatch in the stern and engine roll «Wright Continental» R-975 to light for caring hands mechanics and minders. For the repair of power transmission elements aggregates opened front hatch and similarly all elements nominated!

Many skeptical refer to the booking of the ACS and the open tower. Yes, armor of light. But the location of the armor plates at an angle significantly increases protection. Shells quite often just ricochet from the armor, without causing significant damage.

Open the tower, in the absence of protection against shrapnel and bullets from above, He gave the commander of the machine, gunner (arrow), radio operator and loader excellent overview of the battlefield. So that here a difficult question. A plus 4 shots per minute - it's a lot. This can be quite so easy to choke in the propellant gases.

Since the car you will see first hand today, at the end of the material a little bit about the tactics of 'Hell Cat'. Americans call this tactic of hit and run. In our translation of this raid, rebound or withdrawal. Cars, with all the advantages, could not for a long time to be at the forefront. In short, PT-ACS should be used only as intended and only for a limited period of time.

so, 'Cats' during a tank attack jumped forward and began shelling hulking tanks. Speed ​​and turns tower ensures the effectiveness of their work. When the enemy comes in itself from such impudence and was ready to fight back, 'Cats' has quietly dumped under cover of tanks, good, speed is quite allowed.

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Today, it looks fantastic, but such assaults are sufficiently effective. For example, we report from a German Panzer Division, which I had to deal with the tactics of 'Cats» hit and run. The division was equipped with, including, 'Tiger' and 'Pantera', whose 76-mm cannon just did not take.

«Gun, 76-mm M18 does not disclose fully its potential. Only in August 1944 Year 630 th American battalion of tank destroyers knocked out 53 heavy tank, 15 jet guns, losing 17 pieces of equipment».

Despite the relatively short time of participation in hostilities, We attempted to modify the machines. Three modifications have not become new «hellishly» pets, but I mention them it is worth.

Soldat 2 Crack

Soldat 2 Crack Pc

T88. 105-samohodnaya mm howitzer. On the chassis of the M18 ATS decided to put a 105-mm howitzer T12. In fact, given the experience of the designers, machine would be quite place. But in August 1945 the year the war ended, and the need for these ACS eliminated. discontinued project.

T41 (M39). Armored truck (T41), or BRDM and BTR (T41E1). Machines are completely identical, 'Cats', but without a tower. weaponry (12,7-mm machine gun) It was set in front of the case. Tractor intended for transporting 76mm guns PTM M6. Adopted in the early 1945 of the year, but it was released in a limited edition.

T86, T86E1. Floating 76-mm self-propelled guns. T86 swam through the work of the caterpillars. In a second embodiment propellers are installed. The armament of the M18 type.

Soldat 2 Crack

D-IX was a cocaine-based cocktail, consisting of five milligrams of cocaine, five milligrams of oxycodone (a morphine-related painkiller), and three milligrams of Pervitin. It was first tested on inmates at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. After taking the drug, the prisoners were forced to march in circles while carrying forty-five pound packs. With the aid of D-IX, these individuals were able to march between fifty-five and seventy miles before collapsing. Highly encouraged by the results, Nazi scientists planned to supply D-IX to all German troops. Fortunately, the war ended before it could be produced in mass quantities.

Guerrilla Explorer's Analysis

Despite their best efforts, the Nazi's never succeeded in creating super-soldiers. Nowadays, researchers are hard at work, hoping to achieve the same goal with different means. In 2008, DARPA announced a $3 billion dollar program to create a 'metabolically dominant soldier.' If scientists have their way, someday soon super-soldiers may not be all that super…they may, in fact, be commonplace.

(This is the second article in a three part series. Go here for Part I: Captain America and Suspended Animation & here for Part III: The Nazi Plot to Bomb America.)

Related posts:

The history of the world of tank, and indeed military equipment, replete with many amazing events. events, which logically should not have to happen, but somehow the story did so, that these events took place, and even become to some extent a turning point.

A car, which was originally made as a reference and do not invest in it any revolutionary solutions, suddenly becomes a favorite car of soldiers. And vice versa, truly outstanding design, who at the time of creation was a real breakthrough, They disappear as useless at a particular time, and then turned into the basis for a completely new facilities.

There are in our zagashnike several cars, which does not deliver to us Lend-Lease, but they were loved in those countries, which were used during the Second World. Miss the opportunity to feel, pull, to get under the bottom, we could not. Well, especially, I could not tell you about these machines.

Shortly speaking, about ACS cycle - is a logical continuation of our series about the foreign machine from World War II, which for various reasons, we were not able to meet our tankers and artillerymen. And the first car will be M18 'Hell Cat', who successfully hunted the enemy tanks and other armored vehicles. so, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18, Hellcat.

'Khellket', according to most experts, He was one of the best tank destroyers of World War II. low silhouette, High power density, high mobility, rational booking form, high reliability and excellent moves made it possible to defeat the enemy with relatively little loss of property.

Simply put, the car was so balanced, what, probably, there was no crew, who does not cherish his 'cat' is not worse than a pet, in whose honor and was named Machine. Almost every ACS had its own name and even his 'coat of arms'. Machine to meet the love of love. In a figurative sense of the word.

it, eg, logo on «our» copy. «dual problems», that should not scare the real fighters. And furthermore, crew «hell-cat» not to frighten some girls there hot and cold whiskey.

But back to the self-propelled.

The history of the car is so interesting, do not tell her you can not. Let's start off with, that the blame for the occurrence of ACS American paratroopers and Marines! Yes, although it sounds amazing.

We often argue about, that the Soviet Union and Stalin personally strongly delayed war with Germany. We try to explain Stalin's mistakes, unpreparedness for war, losing the first months. Sport to hripotы. Tear vest on his chest.

But let's look across the ocean. Americans are so not want to fight against fascism in Europe, that even Hitler did not declare war! But that, that will have to fight, Washington understood. The question was only one: which side. In time for the partition of the spoils. Answer given Hitler. It was he who declared war on the US.

The US military claimed to re-equip the army for war far from their country. The ocean was and there is still quite a good defense of the continental US. That is why there was a task in the first place to rearm mobile units. Marines and airborne compounds.

In conditions, when landing must be made not on the islands, where the use of armored land is limited, and on the continent, the question arose about the possibility of countering the Marines and paratroopers armor, first of all enemy tanks. And even better, if the mobile part will get a good own tank!

AT 1941 It was announced a competition to create a tank for paratroopers. tanka, which would combine the functionality of a transfer not only ships, but planes. And thus he was able to fight with enemy tanks. tank projects were presented by three companies - GMC, Marmon-Herrington и Кristi.

As strange as it sounds, but the contest has won an unknown, which released primarily two tank models (CTLS и CTLB), by the way, both failing, Marmon-Herrington. By the end of September T9 tank project I was ready, and is expected to start serial production.

And then something happened, that turned the entire project in a completely unpredictable side. Engineers and designers Marmon-Herrington, who developed a new tank, offered on the same basis to create more and ACS. For tank support. Only now equipped with automatic control system proposed in the same chassis, about the same tower and the same instrument! Bredovato looks, but it's a fact.

However, this nonsense still had its continuation. Lung ACS in the United States was not. Army just forced to consider the project as a promising. The only thing, that succeeded the military department, is to remove the requirement for ACS, as Airborne. This meant, that it was possible to increase the weight of the machine and even change the suspension.

The new machine has received index T42.

SAU planted on ó Kristi, but armed with all the same 37 mm gun. The project was ready by January 1942 of the year. Production prototypes were no longer engaged in the Marmon-Herrington, which we have not been able to begin production of T9, and the GMC. Again, a higher power intervened.

At this time the role played by higher powers Britain. Based on the experience of the war, British doubted the effectiveness of a 37-mm gun, even for a light tank. As for the ACS with a weapon, the British officers just laughed in the face of American designers.

We must pay tribute to the response of the US military. Already 1 April designers have new requirements to the tank. The gun should have a caliber of 37 mm is not, and 57 mm. Machine speed should be at least 80 kmh. reservation tower, the forehead and the sides about 22 mm. Crew 5 human.

The project is again a new car was ready… to 19 April! Called Tank T49. Prototype production began almost immediately. The first machines were ready in July 1942 of the year. Surprisingly, in such a hurry, when literally everything had to 'squeeze and compress', tests showed, that on the whole the car is good. The only drawback - speed. Instead 80 km / h the car was able to squeeze out only 61. While true learn review. We needed a new engine. Although in general, the result was quite good and all seems to be arranged.

But for the project should be and protivotankisty! Tankoistrebitelnoe control of the US Army as well, as tankers, not satisfied with the speed of the machine. Besides, for ACS demanded another increase in gun caliber. Now, up to 75 mm! I.e, put the most, that is set to 'Sherman', inherited from the 'Lee'.

Well, purely artillery whim - to remove the roof of the tower, to the crew simply did not choked. Decent saving on the exhaust fan. But I had yet to splurge on a machine gun for close combat, what was important was for the ACS tank destroyers. The chuck has a chuck. The infantry is always near, including enemy infantry.

And again intervened Providence. Again, American designers did not bother too much problem occurred. Just put on the T49 tower… by T35 (future ACS M10), which already at that time I was ready. A frontal M2 machine gun was moved to the tower. This made it possible to increase the frontal armor to 25 mm.

Ready prototype of a new SAU under the symbol T67 in October 1942 He has been sent for tests. AND, lo… Machine dispersed to the required 80 kmh! All! achieved results! And here and there…

'Sherman' began to equip another gun! Now the tank stood a 76.2-mm gun M1A1. Tanks and fighter demanded for its own machines is the same. Especially, that the gun has turned out well, a miracle, how good!

Besides, gunners ceased to arrange suspension Christie. By this time, it is so outdated, it was said that some designers, that this ACS one of its appearance on the battlefield to kill the enemy tank… But not the power of cannons, and appearance.

There were claims and the tower. The first was from the artillery. Fast car requires quite a long stand-alone battle. And it requires ammunition. In the tower, there was simply no space to accommodate the required number of shells. And the second, technological. The tower is too complex in production.

In short, Again the car did not go into the assembly shop, and the tables and drawing boards of designers. Once again, the designers have shown professionalism wonders. The new machine under the symbol ACS T70 was prepared in April 1943 of the year!

Again, Providence! Manufacturing order 1000 ACS T70 handed «Buick» before taking the machine into service! And it is in the US. At the end 1943 , the ACS has been tested in Italy. AND (rightly) the car has received great reviews. Only after that ACS T70 in March 1944 of the year (It released about 200 machines) We have adopted under the designation M18.

And now let us touch the machine arms. It's worth it. No wonder we have so often mentioned the intervention of Providence in its creation.

so, 76-mm self-propelled gun M18 «Khellket» (76 mm Gun Motor Carriage M18, Hellcat) made by the following scheme. department of management, transmission and drive wheels - in front of the body. Combat compartment - in the middle. Power rear compartment.

The tower is set in the middle of the housing. The rotation of the circular. Arming 76.2 mm gun M1A1 and 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun. The angle of elevation for the weapon +20, and the angle of declination -9 degrees. A weapon without a muzzle brake. The initial velocity armor-piercing projectile 686 m / s. For sabot projectile speed 1035 m / s. rate of 4 shots per minute.

Tower, if serious, not only too narrow for the calculation of the four dwarves. Real brave boar there feeling completely not. But we must not just sit, and deal with the case.

The driver has a special place.

Generally, on every square inch has to be hooked or about that crack head.

Here are stored the ammunition for the machine gun. You want to live - vydernesh.

Surprisingly for the American car, but to call «hell-cat» comfortable for the crew not dare. very closely, very little room for everything. And their own belongings crew usually placed on the armor, so that in a campaign that has had a self-propelled gun Vidocq.

An interesting solution is found to repair the car. The front and rear of the machine can be seen hatches. clear, These hatches are designed to facilitate access to the power plant or transmission. But not in Hell Cat!

The thing is, and that the motor, and transmission were mounted not directly on the body, and on special skids. For repair was enough to open the hatch in the stern and engine roll «Wright Continental» R-975 to light for caring hands mechanics and minders. For the repair of power transmission elements aggregates opened front hatch and similarly all elements nominated!

Many skeptical refer to the booking of the ACS and the open tower. Yes, armor of light. But the location of the armor plates at an angle significantly increases protection. Shells quite often just ricochet from the armor, without causing significant damage.

Open the tower, in the absence of protection against shrapnel and bullets from above, He gave the commander of the machine, gunner (arrow), radio operator and loader excellent overview of the battlefield. So that here a difficult question. A plus 4 shots per minute - it's a lot. This can be quite so easy to choke in the propellant gases.

Since the car you will see first hand today, at the end of the material a little bit about the tactics of 'Hell Cat'. Americans call this tactic of hit and run. In our translation of this raid, rebound or withdrawal. Cars, with all the advantages, could not for a long time to be at the forefront. In short, PT-ACS should be used only as intended and only for a limited period of time.

so, 'Cats' during a tank attack jumped forward and began shelling hulking tanks. Speed ​​and turns tower ensures the effectiveness of their work. When the enemy comes in itself from such impudence and was ready to fight back, 'Cats' has quietly dumped under cover of tanks, good, speed is quite allowed.

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Today, it looks fantastic, but such assaults are sufficiently effective. For example, we report from a German Panzer Division, which I had to deal with the tactics of 'Cats» hit and run. The division was equipped with, including, 'Tiger' and 'Pantera', whose 76-mm cannon just did not take.

«Gun, 76-mm M18 does not disclose fully its potential. Only in August 1944 Year 630 th American battalion of tank destroyers knocked out 53 heavy tank, 15 jet guns, losing 17 pieces of equipment».

Despite the relatively short time of participation in hostilities, We attempted to modify the machines. Three modifications have not become new «hellishly» pets, but I mention them it is worth.

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T88. 105-samohodnaya mm howitzer. On the chassis of the M18 ATS decided to put a 105-mm howitzer T12. In fact, given the experience of the designers, machine would be quite place. But in August 1945 the year the war ended, and the need for these ACS eliminated. discontinued project.

T41 (M39). Armored truck (T41), or BRDM and BTR (T41E1). Machines are completely identical, 'Cats', but without a tower. weaponry (12,7-mm machine gun) It was set in front of the case. Tractor intended for transporting 76mm guns PTM M6. Adopted in the early 1945 of the year, but it was released in a limited edition.

T86, T86E1. Floating 76-mm self-propelled guns. T86 swam through the work of the caterpillars. In a second embodiment propellers are installed. The armament of the M18 type.

T87. 105-mm floating howitzer (by type T88). Swims like a T86, but it had a shorter body and a specially modified truck tracks. He showed good seaworthy, but due to the cessation of hostilities to freeze the project.

The performance characteristics of ACS M18 'Hell Cat':

combat weight: 17 t
- length : 5300 mm
- width: 2800 mm
- height: 2100 mm

Crew: 5 human
- 76.2-mm gun M1A1, b / c 43 shell;
- 12.7mm gun, 1000 rounds

- forehead housing: 51 mm
- forehead tower: 51 mm

Engine type carburetor «Continental», Type R 975
maximum capacity: 400 HP
full speed: 72 kmh
Power reserve: 360 km

And at the end of a small, but the interesting story of an employee of the museum UMMC Nikita Krutakova, a great connoisseur of real military equipment.

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